BIM technology for AURA Apart: BIM design in Odessa

The main task in the BIM design of the AURA Apart complex, which began in late 2017, was to create a lightweight facade that harmoniously integrated the picturesque seascape and coastline. Let’s find out the solutions and details of the BIM design carried out in Odessa.

AURA Apart, designed by Da Vinchi Group and Vatmanstudio, is a hotel project in Odessa, Ukraine. During the project, the architects faced multiple challenges related to the property’s location on a beach, in a seismic zone and on difficult terrain; however, they managed these challenges using the ARCHICAD software. The project recently won the European Property Awards for quality design and once again demonstrates the goodness of a design that exploits the potential of BIM design.

A light facade in harmony with the coast

The main task in the BIM design of the AURA Apart complex was to create a light facade, which blended harmoniously with the picturesque seascape and coastline.

The main task that the architects and designers had to tackle was to offer hotel guests the opportunity to enjoy the view and the marine climate. And they certainly managed it better – Sergey Yurets told us – Since the construction was planned for the coast, the project had to consider the climate. Furthermore, the site is located in an active seismic zone, characteristics that strongly influenced the design and construction phases.”

The crucial phase of BIM design: choosing the right BIM software

According to the head of BIM design, the arguments in favor of ARCHICAD were the previous practical experience and the broad functionality of the program. The specialist notes that ARCHICAD made it possible to process the model with information and then use this information with the help of the automatic construction of facades, sections, elevations, and project details to determine specifications and draft documentation. The entire team of specialists was able to work on the project simultaneously using a common file, which significantly reduced the design time.

There are some architectural software brands on the market – says Sergei Yurets – but the undisputed leaders are ARCHICAD and BIM Revit. For our company, the most affordable software product was undoubtedly ARCHICAD . The modern world is rapidly developing and new requirements will always appear. Therefore, it is important that software developers respond quickly to market demands.”\

BIM: an opportunity to involve the customer in the design

The Da Vinchi Group started working with BIM in 2018 with the creation of a pilot team and a BIM department. The goal was to move to full BIM design for most sections and maximum automation of the design processes. BIM also allows the client to be involved in the design process and to control all stages of the design online and to reduce the number of approval meetings. As a result, the customer gets exactly what he or she wants. Additionally, the project organization manager has more time to work with potential clients.

Da Vinchi Group BIM Manager , Vitaly Pravdych , explained the practicalities of the implementation stating that: “When we faced the first challenges, we realized that we were not using the full functionality of ARCHICAD. We started studying and training the team, organized additional courses to improve the level of understanding of the program, and started mastering the program’s relationships with Grasshopper. Thanks to these efforts, it has been possible to improve the quality of our work and automate most of the routine processes – continues Pravdych – BIM technologies have simplified the design of AURA Apart and helped to streamline the workload of designers.”

Do you want to become a BIM expert with Revit?

Take the online course on Design in BIM with Revit, which aims to deepen all the main features of Revit software through 24 hours of highly detailed video lessons.

If you are considering learning Revit, you can take GoPillar Academy’s Revit BIM Architecture course with a 70% discount by clicking here. Our course includes pre-recorded lessons that you can watch at any time!